Scott Goodyear | A Racing Education

Scott Goodyear has worn many hats in the Motorsports world. Indycar (IRL & Cart) & Sportscar driver, ESPN / ABC Indycar color analyst and now as the Race Director of the F4 US Championships & FR America racing series. Through those years, his passion for racing and wanting to be at a race track were also matched by his love of teaching. Teaching racecraft that is.

He comes from a family of teachers and is a natural at educating. Combine that with decades of racing experience, the young drivers of the F4/FR series are fortunate to have a race director with those credentials and passion for racing.

Motor House was also quite fortunate to be able grab a few minutes to talk with Scott during a break and then a course inspection at a F4/FR race at NJMP.
What made this even better was he was super generous with an in car, on track education on the finer points of racing. All the while talking about what his role is in teaching the next generation of racers and getting them to the next tier of racing.
About 9 minutes into the video is the on track education of how to drive a race car.
Plus photos highlighting the F4 /FR series drivers, possibly the future of racing.

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Author & Photographer
Jim Mundell